Saturday, January 10, 2009

To Blend or Not To Blend?

The use of Adsense is often in great debate in most popular SEO forums. The majority of the topics are on how to place the ads on your site to get the most out of a page hit. Some SEO's (Search Engine Optimizers} say that the ads should be towards the top of your page to get a higher CTR (click-thru-rate). Of course other SEO's say the bottom is best for the ads.

One of the next topics discussed are the facts of blending the adsense ad to the rest of your site or not to blend it in with your site. Some SEO's say that you should blend to not disturb the visitor and also it seems more like a part of your site and will make them believe they should click for even more information. This is not always true when the ads are placed on a site that doesn't offer information in the first place. Then on the other hand if you make a ad that sticks out they feel it will draw attention and get more clicks. Other SEO professionals feel that this will only irritate the visitor and may cause them to leave the site.

The major thing that you must learn is to use your blending and placement together in a manner where you can say yes to the following questions:

* Did I place the Adsense ads where they can be seen?
* Did I match the background and border color in a way that would raise the ad off the page, giving it a slight 3-D affect?
* Did I blend the text color of the ad to make it look like its part of my page?
* Did I place them where they aren't obstructing what my visitors are originally there for?
* Did I place the google adsense ad in a place that is in the line of the visitors reading path?
* After looking at my page, was the placement and blend at least where I would read the adsense and possibly click?

If you can answer yes to yourself and be very truthful then your adsense ad is in a good spot for now. Don't forget that you should experiment when you get your traffic up. Find out what works better for you and your pockets.


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